triangle global health 2017 annual conference
Making a Difference:
Global Health and its Social,
Economic, and Political Impact
September 28th
North Carolina State University

Join us for the annual Triangle Global Health Conference on Thursday, September 28 on the North Carolina State University campus in the Talley Student Union.
This year’s theme, Making a Difference: Global Health and its Social, Economic, and Political Impact, reflects the inextricable links that exist between global health and each of these realms. Our 2017 conference will explore these complex relationships and highlight how our work is making a difference at the individual, community and societal levels.
We warmly invite you to join us on September 28 in Raleigh to share, learn, and build relationships within North Carolina’s rich global health community.
Please read below for more information on registration, speakers, the conference agenda, and our generous sponsors.
Professional: TGHC Member* - $185.00
Professional: Non-TGHC Member* - $255.00
Full-time Student: TGHC Member* - $95.00
Full-time Student: Non-TGHC Member* - $105.00
*Did you know? If your institution is a TGHC member, YOU are a member!
Check out our member page here. If you are a student or staff member at one of our member organizations, you are automatically a TGHC member and qualify for member registration rates!
Need help getting to or from the conference? Click here for more info.
Are you driving and able to offer a ride to others in your area? Sign-up here!

Pape Amadou Gaye, MBA
Pape Gaye, MBA is a native of Senegal and a lifelong advocate for health workers, strong health systems, and access to health care for all. Under his leadership as president and CEO of IntraHealth International, the organization has made human resources for health a crucial part of the worldwide conversation on global health.

Nandini Oomman is an independent consultant in Global Health & Development and is the founding curator for the Women's Storytelling Salon , an initiative that creates and curates stories for women's participation and leadership in a range of professions. She was director of the HIV/AIDS Monitor at the Center for Global Development from 2006 to 2011.

Michael H. Merson, MD
Michael H. Merson, MD is the Wolfgang Joklik Professor of Global Health at Duke University and the University’s Vice President and Vice Provost for Global Affairs. He is the founding director of the Duke Global Health Institute and from 2010-2016 served as the Vice Chancellor for Duke-National University of Singapore Affairs.
Nandini Oomman, PhD
Morning Plenary: Global Health Security
This plenary panel will discuss the ways in which global health investments protect America’s security. As global health efforts help people and communities become healthier, we also help control and contain disease outbreaks, create more stable and secure societies, expand democracy, and generate good will. This discussion will explore the myriad ways in which global health work promotes American security.
Afternoon Plenary: The Economic Impact of Global Health
This plenary panel will explore the economic impacts of global health work including job creation, supporting new trade partners and emerging markets, and strengthening America’s economic competitiveness.
8:30 AM

8:45 AM
9:15 AM
Opening Plenary: Welcome
Keynote Address: Michael H. Merson, MD
"Global Health, the US Government, and our Future"
Storytelling: Francis de los Reyes, PhD
"My adventures in handling crap"

12:00 PM
11:00 AM
9:30 AM
1:30 PM
12:40 PM
12:50 PM
Panel: Global Health Security
Michael Catalano; Chrissy Godwin, MSPH; Nancy Knight, MD; Jean-Marie Maillard, MD, MSc; Susan Scribner, MPP
Morning Breakout Sessions
Workshop: Creating and Managing Specialized and Remote Health Worker Training using Referenceable Replays​
​Workshop: Open Innovation: A Challenge within a Challenge

2:30 PM

3:00 PM
3:10 PM
3:40 PM
4:30 PM
4:40 PM
4:45 PM

Download the Agenda-At-A-Glance
8:00 AM
Registration Opens
10:30 AM
Break and Poster Session 1
Storytelling: Laura Hoemeke, DrPH
"Behavioral economics, malaria, and termites in Chad"
Keynote Address: Nandini Oomman, PhD
"Women Leaders in Global Health: Say it with Stats and Stories"
Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Break and Poster Session 2
Closing Plenary: Storytelling: Phaedra Boinodiris, MBA
"The Intersection of Play and AI for Global Health, Civic Engagement and Education"
Keynote Address: Pape Gaye, MBA
"Health, Peace, & Prosperity, All Within Reach"
Panel: The Economic Impact of Global Health
Linda S. Birnbaum, PhD; Senator Jay J. Chaudhuri; Noel Harvey, PhD; Rachel Nugent, PhD; Loyce Pace, MPH
Storytelling: Saja Al-Falahi, MBBS
"The challenges of providing care in Iraq"
Ice Cream Social
"I was very pleased to participate in the conference for the first time. I will recommend the conference to more people. The organization of the conference and the choice of speakers and topics was phenomenal."
"This was a great opportunity for students to learn more about the diversity of global health!"
"Thank you for organizing such a great event. I networked with many new people and reconnected with friends from previous places."