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triangle global health award celebration

Celebrating our local leaders in global health

Each year the Triangle Global Health Award Celebration recognizes the passion and expertise our local leaders bring to improving the lives of people around the world.


Our 2018 Award Celebration will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 2018 at Top of the Hill in Chapel Hill, NC. Please plan to join us to celebrate the commitment, innovation, collaboration, and leadership shown by individuals and companies throughout the state of North Carolina.


Table sponsorship opportunities are available until April 4. Individual tickets are also available for purchase. Please click below for more information.



Ward Cates Emerging Leader Award


The Triangle Global Health Consortium recognizes emerging leaders in North Carolina who have demonstrated significant promise and a commitment to improving the health of the world's communities.


The Ward Cates Emerging Leader Award is named in memory of Dr. Ward Cates, President Emeritus and Distinguished Scientist of FHI 360. Dr. Cates dedicated his life's work to the fields of HIV/AIDS and women's reproductive health. His tireless efforts made a significant impact on global health both in North Carolina and around the world.


Award Criteria:

The award recipient will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • A commitment to improving the health of the world's communities

  • A spirit of innovation

  • Collaboration

  • Demonstrated leadership potential in improving global health



Nominees must:

  • Have resided in North Carolina for at least 9 months

  • Be 35 years old or younger

  • Have demonstrated leadership within global health/global development


Nomination and Selection Process:

Nominators should be prepared to describe why the nominee should be selected for this award, including the activities and accomplishments that meet the award criteria. Be sure to include how the nominee has shown leadership potential, and demonstrate how their work has been innovative and/or collaborative. All responses are limited to no more than 500 words. Self-nominations are accepted.


Three finalists will be chosen by an advisory panel of global health experts. These finalists will be highlighted in press materials, social media and on the TGHC website. All finalists will be invited to attend the Annual Award Celebration. The community will be asked to vote for their choice for the winner of the Emerging Leader category. The winning individual will be profiled on the TGHC website and in communications materials and will be presented with the award at the Triangle Global Health Consortium's Annual Award Celebration in front of many of the top regional leaders in global health.


Nominations are now closed.







Corporate Impact Award


The Triangle Global Health Consortium recognizes companies in North Carolina that have made a significant impact on improving the health of the world's communities.


Award Criteria:

The award recipient will be selected based on the company’s ability to demonstrate exemplary evidence of each of the following:

  • A commitment to improving the health of the world's communities

  • A spirit of innovation

  • Collaboration

  • Measurable impact in improving global health


The winning company will be profiled on the TGHC website and in communications materials. The CEO of the company winning the Award will be presented with the award at the Triangle Global Health Consortium's Annual Award Celebration in May 2018.



Nominees must be:

  • Publicly or privately owned, for-profit companies

  • Legally established for at least 2 years.

  • Either headquartered in North Carolina or able to demonstrate a significant presence in the state


Nomination Process:

Nominators should be prepared to answer the 2 questions below:

  • Overview Statement:  Describe why the nominee should be selected for this award, including the activities and accomplishments that meet the award criteria

  • Impact:  Describe the measurable impact the company has had on improving the health of the world’s communities.  Include the most significant accomplishments of the nominee and how they have contributed to creating a meaningful change in global health.

All responses are limited to no more than 500 words.  Self-nominations are acceptable.


Nominations are now closed.



Global Health Champion

Each year the Triangle Global Health Consortium recognizes the passion and expertise of a global health champion in our local community who is dedicated to improving the lives of people around the world.

Award Criteria:
The award recipient will be selected based on the individual’s impact on global health, including their:

  • Impact in the field of global health

  • Commitment to advancing global health here in our local community

  • Dedication to mentoring and championing new global health leaders

Emerging Leader
Corporate Impact
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