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triangle global health Virtual annual conference

November 4, 2021

2021 Conference Graphic (FINAL) print.png

Join us for the eighth annual Triangle Global Health Conference

on Thursday, November 4, 2021


Reframing Global Health in a Changing World


How does the global health sector evolve to continue to deliver impact in a changing world? The TGHC 2021 annual conference is taking place after a year in which we experienced, and continue to experience, unprecedented health and social challenges. Whilst the impact of these challenges has been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic, many are deep-rooted, structural inequities that have existed for years. The pandemic has also drawn attention to the interconnectedness of our health systems and the critical importance of global public health.


The conference will explore innovative and adaptive approaches that have emerged in response to these inequities and challenges. How can we leverage the lessons learned throughout the pandemic, to prevent and better prepare for future pandemics, and tackle ongoing critical health needs and inequities? How can we reframe our global health guidelines, practices and policies in a changing world?


This program will provide an opportunity for thought leaders, innovators, policy makers, students, and researchers to share their experiences and questions through a mix of keynote speakers, panels, workshops, and poster sessions. 


We hope you will join us! 




We invite you to submit your proposals for panel discussions, workshops, story-telling, and poster sessions. See the abstract submission links below to be considered for the 2021 Conference. 


The submission deadline for Panel, Workshop, and Story-Telling sessions is Friday, September 17 at 5:00 pm ET.


The submission deadline for Poster Presentations is Friday, September 24 at 5:00 pm ET.


Below are three potential sub-themes you can use to guide your abstract submission, but you are not limited to these

sub-themes and are welcome to submit any abstract that relates to the main conference theme:


Sub-theme 1: A global pandemic in retrospect: What have we learned and how has it shaped global health?

What have we learned from COVID and how is it informing the way forward to prevent future pandemics? How is what we learned in responding to COVID changing the shape of global health policies and approaches in general?


  • Innovations in research and practice that have emerged

  • The politics of pandemics

  • Preventing future pandemics

  • A renewed focus on global health and social protections for all


Sub-theme 2: Health inequities in a local and global context

What are innovative approaches that are being used to address the global health inequities that underlie COVID and shape other health problems? What has been the role of global social justice movements in raising awareness and generating change? How is awareness of these inequities shaping a changing future of global health?


  • Health inequities

  • Global social justice

  • The role of advocacy in promoting health for all

  • Changing frameworks for global health


Sub-theme 3: Misinformation and health-related decision making  

What is the role of social media in spreading misinformation? How does this misinformation affect our ability to effectively address health challenges? How does misinformation contribute to health inequities? What are innovative strategies that we can use to counter this misinformation?



  • Health information and communication — role of the media and misinformation

  • Approaches to counter misinformation through social media

  • Vaccine hesitancy – how has media exacerbated the problem? How can media address the problem?


You can submit abstracts for these 4 session types. Click on session title link below to access unique submission form:


1.  Panel Discussion (50 minutes):


A panel discussion consists of up to a maximum of 3 speakers and a moderator. Each session will be moderated with focused questions for panelists. Proposed panel discussion topics should connect to the conference theme. Some panel sessions will be pre-recorded and some presented live during event, but all panels will have an opportunity to take questions.


Panelists should reflect diversity of organizations and viewpoints, and all panelists need to be identified at the time of submission, including names, email addresses, and short bios.  Preference will be given to panels that incorporate representatives from multiple sectors and/or multiple disciplines or cross-cutting themes.


**We only accept abstracts for fully formed Panel Discussions and will not review submissions for individual presentations.**



2.  Workshop (50 minutes):


A workshop is an interactive session designed to teach attendees practical skills, techniques, or ideas which they can use in their work or their daily lives.  Workshops will be conducted in virtual rooms to enable and encourage attendee participation. The workshop can take a number of formats but must include attendee engagement and have a clear focus on sharing best practices through the topic and content. You will be asked to submit learning objectives for the session, connection to the conference theme, as well as names and short bios for any co-facilitators.



3.  Story-Telling (7 minutes)


A story is an oral presentation about a personal experience as told by one person. The story shared should be related to the conference theme and what you learned from the experience. Stories are told in under 7 minutes during plenary sessions. Slides can be used with images but no text. They can be funny, serious, emotional, and/or practical but they must be true.



4.  Poster Presentation


Poster presentations provide a visual display of your project. Selected poster presentations will have a dedicated virtual space to present during the conference. Poster authors will have the opportunity to engage with conference attendees. 



Review and Notification Process


Each submission will be reviewed by the TGHC Conference Committee. Submissions will be judged based on relevance to the global health community, connection to the theme of the conference, innovation and quality.  


If you submit a workshop, panel, or storytelling abstract, you will be notified by October 6, 2021 on the status of your submission.   


If you submit a poster abstract, you will be notified by October 6, 2021 on the status of your submission.

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